We’re here to humanize the nature of work

Our Purpose
& Values

Empower the pursuit of purpose

Hi there! We are Human Work Project and our purpose is to humanize the nature of work.

We are on a mission to explore, guide, and cultivate the humanized work experience to culturally improve our collective relationship with work.

Our intention and vision is by supporting the Human–Work alignment we can inspire more honest, meaningful, and fulfilling work experiences.

Align With Our Nature

Embrace symbiotic prosperity

Root in Relationship

Play Well, Work Too.

The Work We Can’t Not Do


All of our programs are designed to support human–work alignment and include a combination of education, guidance, and community support.

  • Core Ideology

  • GroundWork

  • GroundWork for Teams


We are a network of professional coaches, facilitators, guides, and mentors who support human–work alignment through mentorship.

We all work together to support you in humanizing your work through 1:1 coaching sessions, guided exercises, community events, and humanized resources.

We offer guidance in 1:1 formats for individuals, entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams.


We are a community of doers, dreamers, creatives, entrepreneurs, leaders, and genuinely good humans. Each of our clients is invited into our community wholeheartedly and can receive support, inspiration, connection, and more.

Humans, nor work, can happen in a vacuum. We must exist in community.

Who we’ve worked with

How We Work

We believe that work is an important aspect of our human nature, but the modern experience of work no longer aligns with our nature. We trust that when we, as humans, work in supportive, abundant, and prosperous work environments, that our work will be more productive, more fulfilling, and more impactful.

  • Core Purpose defines an individual’s or organization’s reason for being and working. orienting to a clear and potent sense of purpose—be it philanthropic or otherwise—will guide your work beyond any challenge, roadblock, or change in the environment. It will generate enduring strategy and continually inspire you, and those you work with, to do the work, together.

    Core Purpose is why we work. Orienting to it is the first step of human–work alignment.

  • Humans are unique and diverse beings with varying strengths, needs, and experiences and therefore need to be treated as such when in relationship to others. We believe that humanized work requires whole and interdependent integration of the individual human within any team, organization, and the work itself.

  • Work, like life, cannot happen in a vacuum and therefore requires some form of community and connection with others. We are all working in interconnected ecosystems: industries, organizations, teams, etc.

    Mindfully incorporating unique processes, practices, structures, and systems that align and connect the individualized humans with the whole of the ecosystem is what allows work to work.